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Tuesday 24 June 2014

Another Year Older

Welcome to my Birthday Blog!!!

Today I'm another year older. I really will have to start going backwards soon. I'm the grand old age of 32. Next year I'll officially come of age (I'm short enough to be called a Hobbit lol)

Look how cute I was..

What happened?!?!

I think I was about 8 in this photo which my Bampa (welsh term for grandfather) and on of my cousins.

I've been thinking back to when I was a child and thinking about all the things I wanted to do.

I was the oldest of all my cousins and I loved playing with them, so I wanted to get married and be a Mummy. I used to tell stories all the time. Even then I wanted to be a writer, but I called it being a story teller.

I'm lucky enough to be able to say I've done both those things.

I had a lot of fun growing up (I'm still growing up lol)

I wasn't afraid of anything. (I still adore snakes) I have very fond memory's of this. My mother was terrified I just couldn't stop smiling. The handler was very impressed, I was the only girl willing to touch the stunning animal let along hold it.

Looking over photos to find what I wanted to use for this blog got me thinking about what my earliest memory is. Well I've been racking my brains, (such as they are) and what I've come up with is:

Learning to do 'the locomotion' (the little Nell one) in the ball room of the hotel where my dad was the DJ. It was just me and dad there he was setting up ready for work that night.

What's the earlyest memory you have?

I know today's post is a short one, but it's taken me all day to write what with family being here and going out for lunch. I have more guest's lined up over the next few days and after that I'll be having at least two guests a week. If you'd like to have a spot here let me know.

See you soon


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